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CNC Machining Custom High-matla a 7003 7075 Precision-enjeneretsoe Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile

- Tharollo ea aluminium e le 'ngoe ho tloha ho moralo oa hlobo, extrusion, le kalafo ea bokaholimo ho ea ho machining ea CNC;

- Taolo e tiileng ea boleng, tlhahlobo e le 'ngoe ho netefatsa boleng bo botle;

- Ho feta lilemo tse 30 tsa boiphihlelo ba feme le boiphihlelo bo ruileng ba ho rekisa mose ho maoatle;

- Mechine e nepahetseng ea CNC e phahameng haholo ho kopana le ho feta ho nepahala ho tloaelehileng.

    Zhongchang Aluminium: Tharollo ea hau e le 'ngoe bakeng sa Custom High-Strength 7003 7075 Precision-Engineered Pilates Equipment Equipment Profile
    Re moetsi oa profil ea aluminium ea profeshenale le phepelo ea thepa e sebetsanang le tlhahiso ea li-profiles tse ikhethileng tsa aluminium tse nang le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 31 tsa indasteri le sehlopha se matla. Re ikemiseditse ho fa bareki dihlahiswa le ditshebeletso tsa boleng bo hodimo, le ho kgotsofatsa ditlhoko tsa mmaraka ka boqapi bo sa feleng. Haeba u batla morekisi oa aluminium oa nako e telele, ntšepe! U fumane molekane ea phethahetseng oa khoebo.

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

    Ha re le Zhongchang, re sebelisa feela lisebelisoa tse tala tsa aluminium tsa mantlha tsa A-grade ho hlahisa lifaele tsa aluminium tsa boleng bo holimo le ho sebelisa theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea CNC ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng ka ho fetesisa, e tiisang hore lisebelisoa tsa aluminium tsa pilates li entsoe ka nepo. Ho feta moo, li-alloys tsa 7003 le 7075 tsa aluminium li fana ka matla a phahameng le elasticity, e leng se etsang hore e be tse loketseng lisebelisoa tsa Pilates tse ka mamellang tšebeliso e matla le ho boloka botšepehi ba tsona ha nako e ntse e ea.
    CNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-07yzCNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-3yqgCNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-4mon

    Melemo ea Sehlahisoa

    Haeba u khetha profil ea rona ea aluminium ea matla a phahameng a 7003 7075 ka nepo, o ka fumana melemo e mengata, ho kenyelletsa:
    - Matla a ikhethang le ho tšoarella ho mamella boikoetliso bo matla ba pilates;
    - Ho hanyetsa kutu bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele le tlhokomelo e fokolang;
    - Mohaho o bobebe bakeng sa boiketlo ba ho sebetsana le lipalangoang;
    - Ts'ebeletso e ikhethileng e fumaneha ho fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa moralo.
    CNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-143yf

    Litšobotsi tsa 7 Series Aluminium Alloy

    Ka bobeli aluminium 7003 le 7075 ke e 'ngoe ea likarolo tsa letoto la 7000, tse tsejoang ka matla a tsona le machinability e babatsehang. Ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea bona e ikhethang tlasa maemo a khatello e phahameng ea maikutlo, li-alloys tsa 7000 tsa aluminium li sebelisoa haholo lits'ebetsong tsa sefofane, likoloi le indastering. Phapang ke hore motsoako oa 7003 o fana ka matla a ntlafetseng le ho tiea, ha motsoako oa 7075 o tsebahala ka tekanyo e phahameng ea matla ho boima ba 'mele, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse boima.
    CNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-18 5pepCNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-10rchCNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile-18 9gs9

    phekolo ea holimo

    Ho netefatsa boleng le ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetesisa, li-profiles tsa rona tsa tloaelo tsa aluminium li fumana kalafo e tsoetseng pele ea holim'a metsi ho matlafatsa khanyetso ea kutu, ho se sebetse hantle, le boipiletso bo botle ba liprofaele tsa aluminium, tse li etsang hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa ts'ebeliso ea kahare le kantle. Mefuta e fapaneng ea kalafo le mebala e fapaneng ke ea boikhethelo, ho kenyelletsa anodized, phofo e koahetsoeng, lijo-thollo tsa patsi, electrophoresis, e betliloeng, e boretsoeng, joalo-joalo.
    Aluminium Extrusion Aluminium Cladding Profile Decorative Aluminium Wall Panel 12aqz

    Litšebeletso tsa Rōna

    Ho Zhongchang, re fana ka letoto la lits'ebeletso ho ts'ehetsa litlhoko tsohle tsa hau tsa aluminium, ho kenyelletsa:
    - Ts'ebeletso ea ODM / OEM ho etsa hore moralo oa hau o phethahale;
    - Sehlopha sa barekisi ba mose ho maoatle ho fana ka tšehetso le thuso ea motho ka mong;
    - Ts'ebeletso e tsoetseng pele ea mochini oa CNC ho netefatsa ho nepahala le ho tsitsa;
    - Mehato e tiileng ea taolo ea boleng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso le ts'epahalo ea lihlahisoa tsa rona;
    - Ts'ehetso ea ho tsamaisa thepa ka nako le thepa ho fihlela kemiso ea projeke ea hau.
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    mefuta ea lihlahisoa

    Ntle le tloaelo ea rona ea matla a phahameng a 7003 7075 e entsoeng ka mokhoa o nepahetseng oa lisebelisoa tsa pilates profil ea aluminium, re fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa aluminium ho sebeletsa liindasteri tse fapaneng. Ho sa tsotelehe hore na u hloka li-profile tsa aluminium tsa mofuta ofe, re ka fana ka litharollo tse ikhethileng tse ipapisitseng le litlhoko tsa hau.

    Product RangeCNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profilewo8定制产品 CNC Machining Custom High-matla 7003 7075 Precision-engineered Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profiletbb

    Tšebeletso ea Aluminium e le 'ngoe

    Ho Zhongchang, re ikemiselitse ho fana ka ts'ebeletso e felletseng ea aluminium e le 'ngoe, ho tloha ho moralo ho isa tlhahiso ho isa ho phano, sehlopha sa rona sa litsebi se ikitlaelletsa ho sebetsa hantle ho netefatsa hore u khotsofetse ke liphetho. Hore na o hloka profil e tloaelehileng ea aluminium bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa pilates kapa tharollo e felletseng ea aluminium bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e 'ngoe, re molekane oa hau ea tšepahalang le ea hloahloa bakeng sa boleng, ho ts'epahala le boqapi.

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    Litaba tsa Motheo

    Lebitso la Sehlahiswa CNC Machining Custom High-matla a 7003 7075 Precision-enjeneretsoe Pilates Equipment Aluminium Profile
    Motsoako oa aluminium aluminium 7003, 7075
    OEM / ODM E amohelehang
    Phekolo ea Bokaholimo tshilo e fedile, anodized, mabele a patsi, ho roala ka matla, ho phatloha lehlabathe, electrophoresis, brushed, polishing, jj.
    CNC Deep Processing ho seha, ho cheka, ho sebetsa ka mechine, ho phunya, ho kobeha, ho tlanya, joalo-joalo
    Setifikeiti CE, ISO, SGS, TUV, ROHS
    Mehlala mahala sampole. Matsatsi a 1-3 a tlisoa ho uena.
    MOQ MOQ e tlase
    Nako ea thomello Ho hlahisa hlobo le ho lumellana ha sampole ke matsatsi a 12-15, ebe nako ea tlhahiso ke matsatsi a 15-25 kamora ho fumana depositi ho tsoa ho moreki.
    Melao ea Tefo 30% depositi pele ho tlhahiso, le ho leka-lekana pele ho thomello.
    Boemakepe Shenzhen, Guangzhou